What is a Spondylolisthesis?
Spondylolisthesis is a condition that commonly affects the lower lumbar spine and cervical spine. It can be painful but is manageable in most cases. It is the slippage or displacement of one vertebrae on top of another caused by a number of reasons. There are different types depending on the direction of slippage as follows
- Olisthesis: General displacement in any direction
- Anterolisthesis: Slippage forwards in an anterior direction
- Retrolisthesis: Slippage backwards
- Lateral listhesis or Leterolisthesis: Lateral displacement
Spondylolisthesis comes with a range of symptoms but can continue to worsen if it is not addressed early.
How we may treat it.
- Diagnose the cause of pain and determine if anything else is associated other than the spondylolisthesis
- Early intervention targeted exercise therapy to attempt prevent further slippage
- Hands on treatment for symptom alleviation where indicated
- Stabilise the area with exercises but also education on what to avoid to prevent further slippage and symptom exacerbation
- Liaise with treating GP for management plan